
Whipsnade Zoo Energy Saving


  • Savings of 18.9% on refrigeration.
  • Over 80 controls were fitted to various fridge/freezers.

Whipsnade Zoo

Whipsnade Zoo is a  located at Whipsnade, owned by the ZSL, a charity devoted to the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. As well as extensive conservation field programmes and endangered species breeding work, ZSL is also working hard to improve the way they manage our Zoo sites to reduce negative environmental impacts and enhance ecological and social benefits.

Energy Saving with SavaControl

In total over 80 controls were fitted to various fridge/freezers used throughout the zoo for food storage. This high refrigeration load consumes approximately makes up a considerable proportion of the zoo’s annual electric consumption. The SavaControl installation looked to not only reduce the consumption but also reduce the carbon footprint by reducing the CO2. The installation was conducted by SavaControl in-house installation team with no disruption to day to day operations.