Saving money for Llanederyn Primary School
- The energy used for catering facilities typically accounts for around 10% of a school’s energy costs.
- No disruption during installation.
Llanederyn Primary School
Forward thinking is the description given to Llanederyn Primary School. Achieving high standards whilst recognising its responsibilities to the wider community. Saving money via reducing energy should be a priority for all education organisations. Lowering costs can be imperative in the fight against climate change.
The Issue
One of the major users of energy in a school is the catering area. Compared with the high power usage of cooking equipment, refrigeration is relatively small. However, cold storage equipment is on 24/7, meaning a significant energy cost. Indeed regular cleaning and maintenance checks are important, but there is still more to be saved. Retro fitting compressor motor controls for fridges and freezers will have a payback period of 2-3 years.
The Solution
Fixed speed motor energy loss and modulation controllers are available from Savawatt. Designed for use on AC motors found in particular refrigeration and A/C. For over 30 years this energy saving technology has been manufactured in the Britain. Furthermore UK schools, universities and academies are the major users of Savaplug.
Finally Savacontrols are also eligible for Salix funding in the goal to saving money