Amazing £12K Reduction in Electric Costs
- 4 SavaControls fitted to hydraulic press balers as part of Re:Fit
- Total Savings logged at over £12,000 at 20p Kwh
- Leading the way in reaching net zero carbon by reducing over 25,000 kg of CO2
Refuse Site Lamby Way
The refuse site at Lamby way in Cardiff as 4 hydraulic press balers which operate throughout the day. The Bollegraaf Baler idle while they are loaded, which provides an ideal opportunity for savings. Our engineers first logged the run profile of the baler then installed a our SC399 control to optimise the power flow to meet loading requirements. The overall saving across all 4 bailers was over £12,000 per year with no effect on operation.
“City of Cardiff Council (CCC) is using Re:fit in order to optimise the energy efficiency of certain properties, improve their building performance, reduce CO2 emissions and save money. Re:fit was seen as an ideal approach to contribute to the Council’s desire to be an exemplar in energy saving and carbon management and meet CCC’s stringent carbon-management objectives..”
Fixed speed drives are an effective way to reduce AC Induction Motor running costs as fount in this Baler. SavaControls are intelligent controllers for fixed speed motors, suitable for almost any motor size and application. Our controls can extend motor life, reduce maintenance costs, and save on running costs.