Reducing energy at new end primary school
- Savawatt technology to reduce power consumption and utility costs by up to 20%, while decreasing CO2 greenhouse gas emission
- Retrofit device that is simple to install, requiring zero maintenance
- Ensures a more efficient refrigeration cycle, leading to lower energy costs and improved equipment reliability
- Reduces energy consumption by up to 20 %
New End Primary School
New End Primary School is a happy and diverse school that seeks to promote high academic achievement for all its children while ensuring that they are well rounded, well adjusted individuals. Learning is an ongoing process that starts from birth, and it is the role of the school to provide every opportunity to develop the potential of your child. The environment for learning must have a stimulating, secure and caring base and build on children’s existing knowledge of the world around them.
Reducing Energy with SavaPlug
Savaplug is an energy efficiency product for use with fridge, freezers, vending machines, coolers and many refrigerated plug in devices. When equipped with savaplugs, refrigeration use less energy and are comparable in daily energy performance to new energy star qualified machines.